Black and white

The phrase, “in black and white,” usually suggests clarity and certainty. But I love to make black and white pieces that explore ambiguity through figure/ground reversals. Working in black and white helps me clarify my design thinking; if a design looks muddled in black and white, it’s unlikely to look better in color.

31″ x 14.5″ | 2021

Second Thoughts
71″ x 45″ | 2020

Another Thought
20.25″ x 35.25″ | 2020

A Thought
20.5″ x 15.5″ | 2019

38″ x 56″ | 2019
BW 8
27.5″ x 33.5″ | 2018
Right Brain Left Brain 
77″ x 38″ | 2016
48″ x 31.75″ | 2016
Five Star Quilt
38.5″ x 38.5″ | 2016

Star Maze
41.25″ x 41.25″ | 2014

41.25″ x 41.25″ | 2014

BWG 2: Curved Lines
29.75″ x 49″ | 2013
BW 2 
21″ x 23″ | 2016
BW 4: Plaid
25″ x 30″ | 2016
BW 5: Sampler
32″ x 41″ | 2016
29.75″ x 30.5″ | 2016

Orange Line 
41.25″ x 37.25″ | 2013

BWG 1: Straight Lines
24.5″ x 43.5″ | 2013

Ghost Lines 
44.25″ x 58.75″ | 2013

Graffiti Lines
40.5″ x 40.5″ | 2013

BW 1
31″ x 28″ | 2012
BW 3: Grid
14.5″ x 17.75″ | 2016
BW 6: Nine-patch 
15″ x 17″ | 2016
BW 7: Nine-patch 
12″ x 12.25″ | 2016

Recent Work

Abstract Nature


Geometrics and straight lines

Black and white

Small pieces

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